2008年8月3日 星期日

[翻譯]Mulder out until mid-August

07/30/2008 8:50 PM ET
Lefty advised to rest for two more weeks after latest checkup
By Matthew Leach / MLB.com

ATLANTA -- The Cardinals announced on Wednesday that left-hander Mark Mulder has been prescribed an even lengthier rest program than initially recommended. Mulder has been sidelined since July 10 due to recurring discomfort in his long-troublesome left shoulder.

亞特蘭大訊—紅雀隊星期三宣佈左投手Mark Mulder需要較原先所建議更長的休息計畫。Mulder因為長期困擾他的左肩傷勢再次感到不舒服,他從七月十日後就沒有再上過場。

On July 19, Mulder was prescribed two weeks of complete rest, avoiding all baseball activities. On Monday, he visited Dr. Lewis Yocum, who advised him to add two more weeks onto that break. Thus, the earliest Mulder could even pick up a baseball would be approximately mid-August.

七月十九日,Mulder被建議要休息兩個星期,避免任何的棒球活動。星期一他去看Dr. Lewis Yocum,醫師建議他再多休息兩個星期。所以,Mulder最快可以碰棒球的時間推遲到約八月中。

The club also announced that right-hander Adam Wainwright, who is rehabbing from a sprained middle finger, will throw at least two more bullpen sessions before he faces hitters. Wainwright will throw only breaking balls in a bullpen on Thursday, and then on Saturday, he will throw what the club calls a "regular" bullpen session. His next throw after that would likely be against hitters.

因中指扭傷正在進行復建的右投手Adam Wainwright預計至少再進行兩次牛棚練投,之後再安排面對打者投球。星期四Wainwright只會在牛棚投變化球,然後星期天會進行球隊指稱的常態性的牛棚練投。在這之後可能會安排面對打者投球。

Right-hander Josh Kinney, it was announced, "has slowed his throwing program." Kinney has been sidelined since he underwent Tommy John elbow ligament replacement surgery during Spring Training in 2007.

右投手Josh Kinney已經延緩他的投球計畫。Kinney在2007年春訓動Tommy John手肘韌帶重建手術,至今仍未出賽。

Matthew Leach is a reporter for MLB.com. This story was not subject to the approval of Major League Baseball or its clubs.

1. http://stlouis.cardinals.mlb.com/news/article.jsp?ymd=20080730&content_id=3226683&vkey=news_stl&fext=.jsp&c_id=stl
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