2008年7月13日 星期日

[翻譯] Mulder at crossroads with shoulder

07/12/2008 6:38 PM ET
Veteran left-hander waiting for results of Friday's MRI exam
By George Von Benko / Special to MLB.com

PITTSBURGH -- Mark Mulder is at a crossroads in his career. The left-hander had a MRI exam on his ailing left shoulder on Friday in St. Louis, but no results will be known until Monday. Mulder, who had to leave Wednesday's start after 16 pitches, will seek a second opinion on what to do about the shoulder.

匹茲堡—Mark Mulder正站在職業生涯的十字路口。星期五他在聖路易接受核磁共振檢查他受傷的左肩,星期一才會知道結果。Mulder在星期三的比賽投了十六球就退場,現在他想尋求治療他肩膀的第二種方式。

The 2008 Major League debut of Mulder lasted less than one inning on Wednesday evening. After striking out 2007 NL MVP Jimmy Rollins and walking two Philadelphia Phillies with a stolen base in between, Mulder left the game with "left shoulder irritation". He managed five strikes and 11 balls in his 16 official offerings.

Mulder在星期三的先發是今年的首次,但卻撐了不到一局。在三振了07年的國聯最有價值球員Jimmy Rollins,保送了兩位費城人隊的球員,中間還包含一次被盜壘,Mulder因為左肩疼痛退場。在他十六球投球中,其中有五個好球十一個壞球。

The MRI on Friday was to help determine whether there are still structural problems with Mulder's left shoulder. The results will be known on Monday, the same day Mulder is scheduled to meet with a specialist.


"It's sad for him," Cards manager Tony La Russa said. "Clubs take hits, and I feel really bad for him -- he's worked so hard. First of all, he's truly a great pitcher, so he knows what he can do when he's healthy. To have that taken away from you, that's got to be very tough to live with. He's gone through a couple of years of rehabbing, which is painful and not only physical pain, but mentally, and right now there is no reward."

總教練Tony La Russa說:「這對他來說真是糟透了。球隊遭受打擊而我也覺得他真的很不幸—他一直都是這麼努力。首先,他實在是一個很棒的投手,所以他知道當他健康的時候他可以做些什麼。但是當你身體不健康的時候,這真是難以忍受。他已經復建了幾年,除了身體上的疼痛還有精神上的磨難,但現在這一切都沒有回報。」

This has to be considered a major setback for the 30-year-old, trying to return from two shoulder surgeries. His teammates are concerned that it might signal an end to Mulder's career.


"We see him every day working out," Kyle Lohse said. "A lot of hard work has gone into that and it's unfortunate that he can't get it right. We're all rooting for him to get healthy and get back to the way he was."

Kyle Lohse說:「我們看他每天都很努力。他投入了很多努力,但不幸地他沒得到好結果。我們都會繼續支持他直到他恢復健康並且回復到他先前的狀態。」

"I've known Mark a long time," Troy Glaus added. "I was there when he was called up in Oakland -- playing against him in Anaheim, I played against him for years. Hopefully, this is just a blip on the radar. I don't know, I haven't heard anything, but he's been a great guy that I've known since I've been here, and I wish him all the best.

Troy Glaus也說:「我認識Mark已經很長一段時間了。當他在奧克蘭被升上大聯盟的時候,我在安納漢跟他同場競技,我跟他比賽好幾年了。希望這只是一個暫時的現象。我不知道,我還沒得到什麼消息,但自從我到這後,他是我認識的人當中的好人,我希望他很好,事事如意。」

"He's been rehabbing a long time, and I think he felt like he was ready to go and then something happened. Hopefully, he can get back right and get back on the mound again."


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